Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dog DNA Test and Sophie's results!

I'm happy to report that Sophie is almost back to 100% after her scary run-in with the illness that paralyzed her for many days. She was running around the yard and acting puppyish today! Maybe she feeling that much better, but the cooler weather is helping I'm sure!

Anyways, I wanted to share a really cool item with you-the Canine Heritage Breed Test...a dog DNA test! For those of you with rescued pups it is amazing! It can decipher what breeds make up your Heinz 57 pup.

We tried this test out on Sophie and also my Dad's dog Belle last year. It is super easy.
1) Order the test (http://canineheritage.com/breeds.php)
2) Swab the inside of your dog's cheek and mail back in container
3) Email a picture

The Sophie and Sarah Review:
We thought this was a pretty cool test but there are a few downsides. Last year when we purchased the test, it only identified 38 breeds. They have now increased to 100 breeds, although there are still many very popular breeds left out. I would use this test on my other pups but it does not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier as a breed-which SO many dogs are mixed with (including mine!). So if you believe you dog is mixed with a certain breed, make sure you check the list before purchasing or you may be disappointed with the results. Another downside is the cost-which has almost doubled since the increase of breeds. BUT, all that aside, it is still very cool to have a nice little certificate with your pet's picture on it, displaying what breeds are "in the mix."


Sophie's Breed Composition:
SECONDARY BREED: Chow Chow, Chinese Shar-Pei
IN THE MIX: Samoyed

Belle's Breed Composition:
PRIMARY BREED: Doberman Pinscher
IN THE MIX: Labrador Retriever

So that wraps up our review of the Canine Heritage Breed Test. There are several other companies that offer similar tests so look around if you would like to know what else is available!

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